In 2012 we challenged you to write 12 letters of Gratitude to people that influenced your life. Many of you did this and wrote amazing stories of the experience.
This year 2013 we are focusing on BEING PRESENT. This is your life. Each day is a gift. You can't turn in yesterday for more time. So make the most of each day and continue to be grateful and embrace life! Be Present! We are changing the world...ONE DAY AT A TIME!

Monday, January 16, 2012's about time

Today was a good day.  Two of our nephews that are grown up came to have dinner and hang out with us and our five children.  It was an evening that memories are made of and I really enjoyed having them in our home.  They are both kind and good young men.  I think very highly of them and I always have.  But when ever I see them with my children my opinion of them always gets even better.  They have acquired a level of near hero status.  I am grateful for the time they took out of their single lives to come play games, laugh and giggle with my children.  These are memories that are priceless.  Forever my children will look back and remember the TIME.  Our time is a gift.  We choose how, when, where and to whom we will give that gift every day of our lives.  Let us choose wisely.  For we can not retrieve even one moment that is spent.  My six year old sat with my oldest nephew and they played the guitar together, little boy looking up to his older cousin with all the awe of complete star status that his cousin has earned in his eyes.  Why?  Is guitar playing an extraordinary pursuit?  Well, he is self taught which is amazing.  But what makes it so extraordinary to my boy is the gift of time.  And I think my younger nephew barely got a breath in between  wrestling, hide and seek and "sardines".  I am thankful for these great men.  In a world so filled with selfishness and "what's in it for me"...I am grateful for the gift my nephews gave my children tonight.  I love them very much!  I am proud to be their aunt and proud of their generous hearts and how they bless our life and our family.

Changing the world...ONE letter at a time!

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